Topic 1: Remote Team Motivation, Productivity, and Culture

How to prepare for your Hot Topic discussion:

Watch the short presentation and write down your thoughts and observations. During your Squad meeting, use the discussion questions to guide your conversation with your Squad.

Watch here. Feel free to skip to 08:00 for the presentation.

Discussion Questions:

  • How does tapping into your own motivation help shape your employees’ and team’s ultimate motivation and productivity? 
  • Do you believe your employees have become more or less productive since being remote -- and how has being remote shifted the culture, if so?
  • What’s most important aspect to you as a leader when it comes to having a happier, more productive, and focused workplace environment? What strategies have worked when it comes to providing a motivating environment, remotely?

Topic 2: How to Retain Your Best Employees

How to prepare for your Hot Topic discussion:

Watch the short presentation and write down your thoughts and observations. During your Squad meeting, use the discussion questions to guide your conversation with your Squad.

Watch the excerpt of the presentation here

Discussion Questions:

  • What resources in your organization can you use to improve flexibility?
  • How has your idea/concept of workplace flexibility changed in the past year? 
  • What does this mean for the future of your organization?

Topic 3: Building and Maintaining Your Executive Presence

How to prepare for your Hot Topic discussion:

Watch the short presentation and write down your thoughts and observations. During your Squad meeting, use the discussion questions to guide your conversation with your Squad.

Watch the excerpt of the presentation here. 

Discussion Questions:

  • What are ways you know you can work on when it comes improving or continuing your Executive Presence?
  • How has the virtual world impacted your Executive presence? Whether in a positive or negative way - share what’s changed for you?

Topic 4: Ellevate 101

How to prepare for your Hot Topic discussion:

Learn more about the Executive program at Ellevate with Hot Topic. 

Open your Squad up to supporting you and your goals by sharing suggestions, ideas and personal experiences with Ellevate to get your group even more familiar with Ellevate.

Watch a recent Ellevate 101 presentation here.

Discussion questions:

  • How has Ellevate supported your leadership goals?
  • What are specific challenges that you have turned to Ellevate for - and in what ways? (Squads, Roundtables, etc.)
  • What is still confusing to you when it comes to the Executive program or other parts of Ellevate - in general?

Topic 5: Balancing career and caregiving at home

Listen to the Podcast: Supporting Caregivers & Re-entering the Workforce After a Career Break (Episode 351)

  • We sit down with Natalia Ball and Molly McAllister to discuss the importance of representation in leadership, normalizing parental leave for all, and how pets change the world.

Reflection questions:

  • What are some ways that you as a leader try to support parents and caregivers that have returned to work
  • How do you navigate conversations with other employees to role model how they can support caregivers on your team?
  • How do you make sure that parents/caregivers on your team feel safe when speaking to you about personal situations that may affect their work schedule? How do you make accommodations so that they can be successful in their roles at work and at home?