Corporate Squads are the cutting edge, turn-key solution your organization needs to thrive in the new world of work. It is our 12-week, customized, virtual peer-mentoring program, where an identified group of your employees will collaborate and support each other in their roles. More importantly, these mastermind-style groups will meet in a virtual, safe space to identify actions they can take in solving the challenges facing your company.

Through Corporate Squads, your employees will come together to learn from each other, network efficiently, and become stronger leaders. Your dedicated Ellevate program manager will help your employees tap into a curated curriculum, where they will:

  • Meet regularly to reflect on career goals and hold each other accountable
  • Breakdown internal silos and enhance collaboration
  • Increase productivity and engagement, and reduce risk of attrition
  • Build camaraderie and create a greater sense of community
  • Create opportunities for mentorship/sponsorship relationships

Corporate Squads provides a framework, resources, and proven methodology that will help your employees connect to one another, lead with empathy, and create the inclusive spaces needed to help them reach their full potential. 

A minimum of 25 employees is required to participate in Corporate Squads and each Squad will be comprised of eight to nine employees. Squads will meet virtually for 12 sessions (30-60 minutes each week), always on the same day and at the same time via Zoom or your internal video conferencing platform. Your customized Squad Curriculum will be structured around four types of meetings: the Kick-Off Meeting, Hot Topics, Hot Seats, and a Retrospective Meeting.

For more detailed information about building a customized Corporate Squads program for your company, contact the Ellevate Corporate Partnerships Team here