During Week 2, and then later during breaks from Hot Seats, Squads discuss common professional challenges and questions. The goal is to collaborate on strategies for taking action to address these challenges and gain momentum in your career.

Your Squad Mod will ask for your input on Hot Topic preferences. They will also update the program schedule and make sure everyone is updated on the Hot Topic selection.

You should plan to spend 30 minutes to prepare by....

  1. Reviewing the Hot Topic summary

  2. Listening to the podcast excerpt

  3. Sharing additional resources and idea in the Group Conversation

Hot Topic Meeting Agenda Template

  1. Review the Hot Topic Resources - did everyone check them out it in advance?

  2. Work through the Hot Topic Discussion Questions

    • Do you agree or disagree with the suggestions in the resource?

    • Has anyone in the Squad struggled with this?

    • Has anyone in the Squad succeeded with this?

    • What actions can we take moving forward?

  3. Confirm next week’s meeting agenda - same time, same place.